5. Creating the user
Table of Contents
Set the root password
To set password for the super user type:
Add new user
useradd -m [username]
passwd [username]
The “-m” option of the “useradd” command creates the user’s home directory if it does not exist.
Add new user to groups
The next command should contain no spaces between group names:
usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,optical,storage [username]
To check which groups the user is belonging enter:
groups [username]
Allow “wheel” group to perform any action as root
Configure sudo
If you’ve installed “sudo”, run “visudo” and uncomment this line:
## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
(%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL)
Configure doas
If you’ve installed “doas”, open the configuration file:
vim /etc/doas.conf
Write down the following line:
permit persist :wheel
With the “persist” keyword “doas” will not require conformation by password for five minutes.
Save the file and test it for errors.
doas -C /etc/doas.conf