4. Network configuration

Table of Contents

Set the host name

echo [myhostname] > /etc/hostname

Add matching entries to hosts

vim /etc/hosts

Write down the following configuration:   localhost
::1         localhost   [myhostname].localdomain  [myhostname]

If your system has a permanent IP address, use it instead of “”.

Set up the network manager

Edit the configuration file:

vim /etc/connman/main.conf

Disable hostname changes on the per network basis to avoid some unexpected behavior:

AllowHostnameUpdates = false

Prefer Ethernet to Wi-Fi by default if it is available:

PreferredTechnologies = ethernet,wifi

Allow for only one conection to be active at the same time:

SingleConnectedTechnology = true

Save the new configuration.

Enable network manager

systemctl enable connman.service

Enable firewall

systemctl enable ufw.service


NEXT 5. Creating the user

Author: Pipe

Created: 2023-02-20 Mon 00:03